Collections & Contributions
“Open your hands to the poor and needy in your land” (Deuteronomy 15:11)
The Sinai Fund for Social Action supports a variety of pressing issues in our own community.
Approximately 75% of the Sinai Fund for Social Action supports local organizations. The Fund helps pay for food, school supplies, housing, home repairs, and mental health access for those who cannot afford them on their own.
In addition, the Fund supports the organizations we work with to:
- Reduce gun violence
- Reform the criminal justice system
- Ensure rights for all immigrants and refugees
Approximately 20% of the Fund supports the work of local, national, and international organizations whose work and values align with our own, including:
- Organizations working to ensure equal treatment of all in our own country
- Liberal Jewish values in Israel
- Human rights in the developing world
A final portion of the Fund is reserved to respond to emergencies, allowing our community to quickly make donations to help those recovering from natural disasters and emergencies.
There are also projects with their own separate funds:
- Blessings in a Backpack: Supports food going home each weekend with students from the Ogden/Jenner School who are food insecure at home
- Adopt a School: Supports a variety of projects at the Ogden/Jenner school, including scholarships, tutoring programs, and school supplies
- Refugee One: Supports working with refugee families who have recently immigrated to the Chicagoland area
Your donations make a difference. You can donate online here.
Spring Clothing Drive
As we enter spring, we are asking for your help to buy clothes for migrants. We received a special list from our partner, the Pilsen Food Pantry, on the current needs of migrant adults and children including underwear, thermals, leggings etc. View the Amazon wishlist here.
When you checkout on Amazon, be sure to click the address option: Pilsen Food Pantry. Have questions? Email Meg Callahan at
High Holy Day Drive
During the High Holy Day season, we collect kosher canned goods which are donated to The Ark. The Ark provides free social and medical services to help distressed members of our Chicagoland Jewish family return to self-reliance.
Special Collection Drives
Throughout the year, in partnership with various organizations, our congregation regularly collects specific clothing, food, or other goods. Keep an eye on our regular communications to learn more about our Special Collection Drives.